PC Computer Games
There was a time when I used to play a lot of computer games, particularly strategy games, wargames, and football games. Some of my old time favorites include Commodore AMIGA hits such as It Came From The Desert, Championship Manager, Wings, Kick Off 2, North and South, Speedball 2, Sensible Soccer and posterior versions, Mega Lo Mania, Utopia, Populous and its successors, Dune 2, and more recent IBM PC games like the Panzer General series, Command and Conquer, and Master of Orion 2. Nostalgia apart, because of my career and family, I don’t have time to play computer games anymore, not even my old favorites like Counter-Strike, Civilization–whatever its latest version was–, or a footy game.
Software Development
I wrote several programs for the AMIGA, a few of which were released in the Public Domain circuits. These included some small applications and a full game called Formula 1 Manager. It was admittedly unsophisticated, though it was a great experience to develop a whole game.
Nowadays, my work involves computational biology and bioinformatics, including developing databases and online genetic resources, so I still work in front of a computer for most of my day. Some of the scripts I’ve developed are available online.
I’m also a computer graphic artist, working with several 3D rendering packages. In addition, I compose music often in the computer.

I admit I'm a geek and a computer nerd. However, I don't have time to play computer games anymore. But I still maintain below my favorite links regarding free utilities, HTML and web design, security, etc.
Sources of free images and pictures
Pexels; free stock photos.
TheStocks.im; royalty free stock photos.
Web Domains, Hosting & Design
AB Designs; web design.
Copyright Website; everything you want to know about copyrights.
Free CSS; hundreds of free templates.
TotalChoice Hosting; my current web hosting company.
Security links
JAP; excellent software to surf the web anonymously.
Free software for Windows
There is a surprising amount of excellent freeware available. Here is a list of some the applications I use.
AVG; pretty good anti-virus.
FileZilla; excellent FTP client, possibly better than any commercial software.
Free Email Providers Guide; with lots of countries.
Housecall; free online virus scan.
HTTrack ; nice website copier.
Mailwasher; useful utility to curb spam, though it does not replace server-side filters like the excellent SpamAssassin.
Notepad++; good text editor.
Strawberry Perl; my favorite Perl distribution for Windows.
Sysinternals; excellent set of programs that allow you to monitor your system. I found TCPView, for instance, very useful to find viruses and malware.
Spybot; includes Search & Destroy for finding spyware.
Counter-Strike.net; the official Counter-Strike web site.
Jinx; t-shirts, etc.