My thoughts
The Conquest of the Future
It's time to stop worshipping gods, and start aiming at becoming gods.
As an atheist, I follow a rational philosophy. Besides, as a scientist, I discuss the positive and negative impact science and technology can have on humankind. Ultimately I defend that a civilization based on knowledge, rational thinking and technology offers the greatest hope for peace and prosperity.
Below are essays I’ve written on a variety of philosophical topics. I hope they’ll make you think about what you are, about life, the world, the human species, and the future. Included are also an adapted version of “The One-Man Rule,” a piece originally published in The Futurist, and “Alice’s Dilemma,” a paper on the singularity published in Futures (36:85-89).

Nothing is impossible, because the dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today and the reality's of tomorrow
The Post-Coronavirus World of Business, Education and Digital Lives
Download the PDF here COVID-19 is the biggest shock to our lives in decades. Its effects will be felt long after the pandemic and crisis
The One-Man Rule
As it becomes more difficult to control the spread of weapons of mass destruction, we must control the users of such weapons–even if it implies
What Am I?
In this essay on the theory of identity, I debate the essence of the individual, the existence of what can be called a soul and whether we
Science and Technology
As a scientist, I constantly want to know more about the world, about the universe and, most of all, about people and about myself. I also think we scientists must work towards educating the public regarding emerging technologies like cloning and stem cells, genetics, and nanotechnology.
Here you will find essays on different technologies, their potential and their problems, and a vision of the future as science and technology continue their relentless progress. (For essays on aging please see my website.) Advice for aspiring scientists and students is also available.
Lastly, I am concerned with the science of science, what are the best, most efficient avenues for accelerating scientific progress. For example, I have published on new ways of funding, see our article “Embracing Experimentation” in The Way of the Future.

How to Become a Scientist
If you are a student considering a career in science then this essay is for you; it gives a glimpse of what scientists do and
Cryobiology and Cryonics
Cryobiology is the science that studies the preservation of biological materials by cooling them to cryogenic temperatures. Fear of the inevitable death led many people to sign
Of all the mysteries of the universe, the possibility of meeting other intelligent species must be the most provocative. It would be the most important event